five secrets

8:25 AM Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Since I have failed my friends who've tagged me for the past two years, allow me to start the year right by taking on this meme from a HotMomma friend.


After several minutes though... I still don't know what to write. I've generally been vocal about most things, always expressive and outspoken to the point of annoying and opinionated.


1) I can't believe that some people who supposedly love to read can't appreciate the genius that went into Harry Potter. Seriously.

2) I tried getting devirginized when I was only in high school. But then bf, who was 5 years my senior, wasn't exactly skilled... and my fear of getting pregnant out of wedlock too extreme so it didn't happen till years later... in college :D

3) I haven't slept with any man that I haven't had a pregnancy scare with. And that eventhough i've made it a habit to be responsible. Late periods would just really make me go crazy... and i'd end up contemplating if I just landed myself in the 2% range where condoms or pills didn't work... Pretty ironic that i'd be having problems getting preggy pala.

4) I still fantasize about other men. And some women.

5) I still eat powdered milk.


And as a new year treat, am not tagging anybody else :D


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