From 190+ to 140+ Pounds
5:29 PM Thursday, February 24, 2011That's around fifty pounds lost, right? :)
Thank God nobody believed it when I was pushing 200 lbs. back in October-Novemeber... and that people see me as relatively slim now even if I'm still overweight :)

But I have committed a crime to my body... I'm still not exercising even if the varicose veins issue has resolved itself on its own. How can I look magnificently toned at my ninang duties at a wedding in June?
I shouldn't be just enjoying this body... I should be taking care of it and maintaining it.
Some 15 pounds more before I am a healthy weight again!
(oh and yeah, am loving the appreciation I get from strangers, bwahahaha)
Huhu... I'm so jealous! So how did you do it Mec? I'm beginning to think there's no hope for me.
Carmelyn 3:00 AM
nakow sis... breastfeeding lang po talaga! and the weight loss has stopped na, i feel bloated na ulit...
Mec 12:53 AM