major inarte

9:11 AM Thursday, September 22, 2005

It was worse last week i think, when wedding stress exacerbated an already bad PMS and birthday blues combination.

Then again, i've always been known to be majorly depressed prior to a birthday, and being poor lately doesn't help.

So yes, it's now just birthday blues and wedding stress. But the hormonal and psychological upheaval resulted to a brainstorm:

Consume 7 birthday cakes before my actual birthday! Yey!!!

Of course, this means additional crunch time at the gym.

And heaven help me, my nephew seems to have gotten the idea that a cake is some sort of staple food... for he goes "Hmmpf, ala nang cake" everytime the fridge door is opened and he peeks in and there's no cake there.

And unfortunately for the household, all I really want is caramel or mocha cake, with sugar flowers.

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Notice that the brazo de mercedes suddenly sprouted sugar icing and flowers? That's a tell-tale sign of how much I was pouting one Sunday afternoon, and Becky's has run out of cakes, and even Goldilocks Paco has run out of cakes. And they refused to sell just sugar flowers, so JRA came up with the grand idea of having some on the brazo cake instead. And notice the 3rd cake, how it had more sugar flowers?

(oh yeah, I bought the 1st cake, because I was sad nga)

Image hosted by And before leaving for HK, JRA thought it fitting to leave me with a promise that came in the form of half a caramel cake from Becky's. And one good slice of potato almond crunch from the same bakeshop.

And yes, my sister and cousin are already begging me to quit with the mocha cake frenzy. My sis is asking for a chocolate cake for a change, but all I really like to eat is mocha or caramel, or anything non-fruity or chocolatey. Besides, Pyro prefers caramel and mocha too. He doesn't like chocolate much. (and I don't like Red Ribbon's sugar flowers at all, which is why i've been buying from Goldilocks mostly).

And last night, because Py has been channelling my 'depression' and throwing the tantrums for lack of cake, I bought a round of marble cake from Goldilocks (instead of another mocha cake). Well, I drowned in the butter icing and would never buy it again... but I asked my cousin to just save all the icing they also don't like so we can try using it as spread (something I learned that a colleague does) for bread.

And I think am now ready for a choco mallows cake from Red Ribbon (I just learned recently that Jollibee bought Red Ribbon already, and some believe that's the reason for the 'lower quality' of their cakes... could that be the reason why they wiped out the Choco Walnut Mousse Cake? Hmmpf!). This weekend then.


Meanwhile, I also made Brownies that people loved!


I have been putting off writing about something... maybe, next week.


I'm very interested however with Category 5 Rita implying doom for Texans. And to be honest, although I feel for Americans, I also can't help but be grateful that natural tragedies are hounding them instead of Asia.

I mean, we need the reprieve. November will mark the anniversary of the tragedy in Real and Infanta, Quezon. And December 2005 will be the anniversary of Aceh ghost towns.

Anyway, track Rita's path gere.


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