After A While
12:10 AM Saturday, November 05, 2011
This poem, After A While by Veronica Shofftstall, was very popular back when I was in college. And it resonated very deeply in me because I was still very insecure then... unsure of what will happen to me, if I will ever be happy, what will come of my dreams.
It encouraged me to go, be my own person, and tend to ME.

This other poem, I read when I was already about to get married, I think. It seemed fitting... after finding yourself, you can now lose it again and evolve because you can also truly love. The original poem is more beautifully written... but it's still really nice to have grown up and be able to appreciate this one.
It validates all the pain and drama of the yesteryears.
And I just recently found out that the author of the second one, Adrian Tecson, wrote it when he was still in college :)
Hi Mec, It's funny how I stumbled upon this entry of your blog. More than 15 years ago, when I was still in college, I wrote a poem and sent it to a few friends. Email was still very new then so I didnt really have a lot of people to send it to. Just today, I thought of googling the title, and lo and behold I didnt even know that it became viral. My name is Adrian and I am the original writer of After "After a While". I wrote it after reading the original "After a While" by Veronica Shoftshall.
Anyway, I'm glad it got to you and you liked it. Cheers!
Adrian Tecson
Aids Tecson 3:53 AM