3:43 AM Sunday, September 28, 2003
I've been home since 2 am, having gone to my NGO friend's birthday party and our counseling group's yearly gathering...
My ex was there... gushed over their 9-month old baby. Happy that both of them are real proud and fulfilled and hopeful parents. Was equally proud about my newphew. Invited them all to my birthday party... and dang, if my ex comes... I swear my sister might just cry about it. They haven't seen each other since 1999. A long time indeed...
Anyway... can't sleep... and am supposed to go to Batangas and visit my Dad and nephews and nieces... I don't know why but am feeling real sad... and suddenly worrying about finances (since there is the suspicion that my fone would require major fixing)
And dang bro and the mother of my nephew are fighting... now am not sure if I should get the baby and just have him sleep w/ me...
Which of course would mean, no sleep for me... even if the baby IS sleeping...