3:14 PM Tuesday, May 18, 2004
God, Fate, Life, Greater Force, Goddess...
I have somewhere I want to be soon... please grant me the means to realize it.
And so I'm still poor and all kinds of PMS-Y. I am also lately obsessed with owning a bodystocking, a babydoll and a mask (i plumb can't understand how i could have missed fantasizing making love with a mask on, or with my lover masked... it's sooo kinky in a really subtle way!). And yes, a belly dancer outfit has been a lifelong dream anyway.
I dunno, I just want all kinds of naughty kink, and yes, every guy wants his own school girl but my dream costume is that of a nurse. Am even wondering now where I can have one custom-made without necessarily having to explain myself to the tailor/seamstress.
If i plead to building on my trousseau, can this pass for normal?