Ilog Maria
11:27 AM Monday, July 31, 2006Like what I said previously, i'm quite addicted to honey these days. But I like it raw and by itself, unlike my hubby who uses it on toast, pancakes and ice cream. So anyway, finally got JRA to take me and his family to Ilog Maria, a bee/honey farm just past Km. 47 of the Aguinaldo Highway.
Twas one of those times when I actually carried a basket and took my time going through the stuff being sold there. Anyway, their website is exhaustive enough in extolling the virtues of their products so I won't discuss that anymore.
Bought Royal Jelly (to relax) and Bee Pollen (to energize) and both taste like hell. I think one should take some honey after them just to rid yourself of the aftertaste. But their honey is really delicious... my brother-in-law started gulping from the bottle while we travelled home. And they also sell clay made from beeswax, for those with artistic but sensitive-skinned kids.

The most recent shock of my life... i've actually kept gaining weight and now weigh 140 lbs. Diet and exercise, here I seriously come... because this is just unacceptable anymore!!!