still exhausted...
6:13 PM Friday, July 28, 2006I think my last care-free day was last Monday, when the typhoon Glenda and SONA had government workers stay at home.
Because I got sick last Tuesday (dang allergies, which isn't really a surprise since the weather has been rendering people sick around me)... so I had to stay home last Wednesday, but also had to gather all my energies and go home to Lipa for my uncle's burial the following day. Good thing it was actually sunny there and the burial yesterday, though hot and humid (not to say emotional), was a breeze.
Us cousins, while waiting for our elders to tell us it's time to bring Tito Jose to the Church for the Mass, decided we want a party for all the birthdays marred by my uncle's death (and we didn't mean that in a bitter kind of way)... so come August 06, we'd be celebrating birthdays (my Mom's, Pyro's, my uncle Romy's, my SIL Angie's, my cousin Adri's and my cousin-in-law Karen's) and despedidas (my uncles and grandma's for their return to the US on the 8th, and for a pair of uncle and aunt, who'd be migrating to the US on the 20th)... I'm in charge of ice cream and cake, as usual. And we're thinking of ordering some 'dirty ice cream' because the kids actually love it when the ice cream is scooped from that metal barrel. Now, which cake to buy... esply as a treat to my uncle who worships them? Hmm...
Sister, after getting dengue, seems to have gotten some gastro problem. We'd know for sure once she's had a stool whatever tomorrow... so yeah, I was absent from work again and feeling sick still. Spent all afternoon crying and sleeping (crying because I was having an emo moment, due to the stress and sickness and exhaustion). So yeah, this is a very uninspired post... but I want to remind myself I lived this week. And I want to know that the past weeks did pass... and that there were fun times along with the bad and sad... like seeing uncles and cousins I haven't seen in years and months.
Anyway, one 'weird' thing that happened this week was my cousin's friend (an adopted family member for years now) bringing with her a Russian guy to my uncle's wake. Albert looks yummy no? He stands 6'9" and wears size-15 shoes (arrgh, imagine the implications of that!) and he's only 20 years old! Poor him, KC and my uncle refused to leave him alone. KC, who at 6 years old could actually speak perfect English, even tried teaching him stuff (It's door in english, d-o-o-r, in Tagalog it's pinto, what is it in Russian?). His appeal to most of us wasn't the fact that he's Russian or looks great... but his height. So before we all left, members of the family took turns having their pics taken with him. (oh, of course, it was also endearing to me that he doesn't smoke!)
My sis stands at around 5'7".
He slept at our house... and my cousins kept teasing him about how it's customary for foreigners to sleep with the eldest female cousin. Ahehe.
Anyway, my parents... even after my insistence that they've sent enough of them already... sent us OATMEAL packages again via my uncles. I'm going to be kind though and send them Carnation Coco Evap and my Gising-gising Recipe (and all my Mom's weird bilins, like Scoth Brite and rubber bands and eyelash curler).
Well, they also sent honey. I'm obssessed with honey these days... and will buy some more tomorrow if I get to finally go to Ilog Maria.
The Blogberks are talking about sex.
And who knew feet could be so beautiful, artistic and interesting?.