better caring
11:51 AM Monday, February 11, 2008Saw the movie AWAY FROM HER with my husband over the weekend. No wonder the movie was generating Oscar nominations... it was really very poignantly told and wonderfully executed. And I wouldn't really go into spoilers (but may inadvertently give you an idea).
The movie did make hubs and I revisit our views again about nursing homes. See, Filipinos grew up with the notion that we take care of our old, not just our young. But now I realize that there is some wisdom in putting someone in a nursing home. 'Away from her' made me realize all the more what those things are.
Like care by professionals, who medically, psychologically and physically know how to address one's problems and degeneration. And the safety of your own home and family members, because if you have Alzheimer's, you will forget a lot of things, maybe even put yourself at risk. And company of those who can understand.
It's just a matter, of course, of picking the right care home. The site can help in this matter because it provides a listing of care options available per locality, as well as care news and tips.
When you need specialized care, you seek specialists, don't you not? And it is better caring when you address the real issues, not your ideals and guilt.