happy birthday sis
3:01 PM Friday, February 01, 2008uses Flea Market Elements by Rasperry Road Designs
We had a fight again the night before she flew back to the US. I'm still upset about it but we've been chatting some nights and texting back and forth, mainly because I know she misses my son and don't really want to deprive them of each other just because am having discipline issues with her.
She's 22 today, already really an adult, only she's the youngest and still isn't working... so it's hard to treat her like an adult (esply since she's not exactly great at keeping her word about curfews and stuff... and I don't know why she refuses to bring home the guys she's dating... I mean, I was sexually-active with some of my boyfriends before but I brought them home! So I just get all the more paranoid about what could possibly be wrong with the men she's dating... then again, she hasn't gotten pregnant yet... and ok, i've been rambling... hehe)
I'm still thankful for the day God expanded our family with her. And I really wish she'd get to realize her dreams and enjoy a lot of adventures before she settles down.
And may she remain generous with her loving.