a woman should have
one old love she can imagine going back to...
and one who reminds her how far she has come...
Weirdly enough, I can't imagine going back to any of my exes. Not even AE. I still sometimes imagine how it would be like, if I ended up with this other guy... but I think being with him will just be a lot like being with AE, all tears and insecurities at my end. And in a way, I am in a happier place than most of my past loves, so yes, I know how far i've come and i thank the heavens for it.
a woman should have
enough money within her control to move out
and rent a place of her own even if she never wants to or needs to...
What, and leave the comforts of home? :p
a woman should have
something perfect to wear if the employer or date of her dreams
wants to see her in an hour...
I have decent dresses, but if it was a major date, nothing could be more perfect than me naked. Us naked pala (alangang ako lang!)
a woman should have
a youth she's content to leave behind...
But i'm still enjoying my youth! Sure, I still sometimes mourn the loss of the slim body I enjoyed for 23 or so years. Sure, I miss the washboard tummy and the tighter a$$. Sure, my boobs, though not exactly cup Ds, have started submitting to gravitational pull. And yes, i've spotted the occasional white hair in my black crown. Still, I know I still look good. And it's just really delightful not to feel gauche and awkward anymore.
I am woman, and i love being able to ROAR.
a woman should have
a past juicy enough that she's looking forward
to retelling it in her old age...
Oh, this is soooo me! I can't wait to regal my own daughters and their friends of how I charmed and bedevilled men when I was their age. Bwahahahaha.
a woman should have
a set of screwdrivers, cordless drill,
and a black lace bra...
I don't even like using brooms, what more screwdrivers! (and no, not even the drink is enticing to me)
I don't have lacy brassieres because of my perpetual pert-nips issue... but I have lots of lacey black undies.
I don't have crotchless ones, either (but i'd still have to verify this one).
a woman should have
one friend who always makes her laugh...
and one who lets her cry...
Heaven blessed me when it sent me lots of friends. Most of my friends CAN and DO make me laugh. And most of them CAN and WILL allow me to cry and just really seek comfort in their arms. That's one of the priceless things I know not everyone enjoys.
a woman should have
a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family..
Err... we have a new bed? :D
a woman should have
eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems,
and a recipe for a meal that will make her guests feel honored..
Not sure about the eight matching plates (for someone was even weird enough to gift us with a set consisting of ONE plate, bowl, saucer and cup) but I know we got wine glasses. Heck, we also got 4 blenders and 4 oven toasters. We also have all the means to heat water (from whistling kettle to water dispenser).
And i think THE recipe i'm becoming known for is CATHEDRAL WINDOWS... which I made again last night because hubby is craving for them. :)
a woman should have...
a feeling of control over her destiny...
SHOULD... howell. I won't be the first woman ever in history to have allowed herself to be swayed by other people's expectations of her... good thing though, I haven't compromised myself, or my happiness, that much. For what it's worth, I'm still happy with the life i've lived, despite the tears and the scars and the many disappointments.
a woman should know...
how to fall in love without losing herself...
I think, I never really lost myself the way i've seen some women did... partly because i've been so scared of doing so, i've instead always held back. But love, or what you think is love, sometimes have really imaginative ways of making you act stupidly. Hehe.
every woman should know...
how to quit a job, break up with a lover,
and confront a friend without ruining the friendship...
and how to change a tire!!!!!!!
I need not change tires if I don't have any vehicle with tires. But heaven help me, am not so good with 'letting go', am so anal-retentive that way, I even hold onto the anger. Haysush.
every woman should know...
when to try harder... and when to walk away...
Sigh. Just recently, I walked away from someone... from something. It still feels like hell, but I also really believe i've come upon a point of no return. There are just some things not worth saving... some things not worth working on... some people not worth me.
I know, in time, the sorrow in my heart will fade. In time...
every woman should know...
that she can't change the length of her calves,
the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents....
And goody for me, my parents have grown up and mellowed down. :)
every woman should know...
that her childhood may not have been perfect...
but its over...
Yes, it's over. A lot of things in my life are over. Same way that a lot of things have been a far cry from perfect.
It's just nice to be looking forward to still a lot of things.
And to still have things to feel passionate about.
every woman should know...
what she would and wouldn't do for love or more...
And I hope, more women will draw their own lines too, where their person and happiness and future is concerned.
And more hopefully, I hope my daughters WILL know, and maybe even know better, than their Mom.
every woman should know...
how to live alone... even if she doesn't like it...
I can't! I;m just never going to cook meals on a regular basis... but i'd never enjoy eating out all the time either (kahit sa Hizon's pa yan everyday, no! I love home-cooked meals talaga!)
every woman should know...
whom she can trust, whom she can't,
and why she shouldn't take it personally...
There have been times that I was wrong... some friends have betrayed me. And unfortunately for me, i've taken it personally. But am still blessed to have MORE PEOPLE who loved and really cared for me than people who just used and betrayed me. I just hope that also means i've been loving and caring enough to them.
And I intend to be a better friend and loved one, even if I may disappoint loved ones at times.
every woman should know...
where to go... be it to her best friend's kitchen table..
or a charming inn in the woods... when her soul needs soothing...
I have Libet. I have my sister and cousin. I have my husband. I have the
berks. I have the ABWB and my college friends. I have FAD. I have my labskis.
And I have my bed...
what she can and can't accomplish in a day..
a month...and a year...
Then again, the universe can conspire to bring to you something you don't KNOW can be possible within a timeframe.
Sometimes, love blooms and within the month, you're married to someone who's been waiting for 25 years.
Sometimes, peace comes with the arrival of a baby not your own.
Sometimes, self-love and acceptance can be found at the next bend, when you least expect it.
Fill my
Johari window up, why don't you :)
I hate how they had to cancel classes THIS MORNING, when some students have already taken baths and donned their uniforms... some were already in school too! BAD TRIP! SOBRANG INCONSIDERATION!
Weirdly enough, it was only yesterday that I was able to sit down and watch the news... I couldn't help but cry over the St. Bernard tragedy... hearing that another part of the mountain is likely to collapse and cause another landslide... finding out that it's started raining again and rescuers' lives have been put in danger... somehow knowing in my heart that a lot of those who got burried there will stay buried...
Ilang gabi na ako umiiyak. Kailangan ko na ng PEACE.
Feeling down because i've lost a friend... i'm moved to tears again to find that a friend from the past just may be back in my life. Haky, please let me hear again from you.