The Reality Check

3:04 PM Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Yesterday, I found out that two acquaintances/friends are HIV positive.

I was not shocked that I could ever meet one, because I have already met some before. I was not shocked that they are, because they seemed to have a healthy attitude towards sex. I was more shocked to realize though that I have forgotten just how HIV can be acquired by anyone. Thaat just like cancer, it will not really discriminate between the poor and the rich, the young and the old, the gay and the straight, the cool and the loser, the stranger and the family.

I have forgotten now where I read the question, "HOW MANY LIVES WILL YOU CHANGE THIS YEAR?" which I was saving for a good blog post. But I guess projection isn't the same as doing. So I will just help wherever I can, however I can.

I have the Deaf, the CICL, the pregnant/breastfeeding Moms as advocacies. But I guess I should become involved with HIV/AIDS and Cancer as well. HIV/AIDS because I was an HIV/AIDS and reproductive health counselor for at least five years before. And cancer because I have been touched and marked by it. I have to do Pyro's death some service.


Meanwhile, it may be a little crass to post it here... but would you know of goodhearted people willing to adopt a crack baby? Babies born to addicted parents come with a slew of possibly congenital anomalies or lifelong illnesses and special needs. But I need help to give a baby a chance of a better life. Let's change that baby's life. Please.


  1. Hello Mec. Your advocacies are admirable. You are doing a good job! And you may not count it as much, but I know you know that you have changed people's lives in some way. :)


  2. Yes, just when you think you have problems, open your eyes to see others worse off than yourself. I have one word for you , Haiti

    Covered Bridge Studio

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